Protection Paladin
About the author
This guide was written, collected, and assembled by Whiteaura of Epic Bison, a Raid Leader and current GM on Lightbringer from various sources and forums. Some of which include the mmo-champion forums, icy-veins, personal experience, and the prominent raiders including Theck, Slootbag, and more.
Spec Overview
protection is currently a middle-of-the-pack damage dealing melee class that specializes in single-target defensive utility, notably Hand spells such as Sacrifice and Protection. protection excels at providing burst DPS in tier 18, thanks to set bonuses. This niche meshes extremely well with Legendary Rings, making protection one of the strongest single target DPS specs. Outside of single target dominance, Ret performs meagerly in most scenarios; AoE, burst AoE, movement, and endurance. protection is weakest in two target cleaving scenarios, and is arguably the weakest class in these situations. Unfortunately, Hellfire Citadel contains emphasized importance on multi-target output.
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• Theorycraft thread
• 3/31: A guide is born
• 4/08: Various bug fixes
• 4/10: Added AddOns & Macro section
• 4/16: Added Openers to rotations sub section
• 6/26: Updated for 6.2!
Playstyle Guide
HP = Holy Power
SotR = Shield of the Righteous
As a tank our rotation largely focuses on generating Holy Power for defensive purposes, primarily the use of Word of Glory for self healing and Shield of the Righteous for the Bastion of Glory buff and 30% damage reduction for 3 seconds. Bastion of Glory increases the effectiveness of Word of Glory when used on yourself by 10% each stack up to a maximum of 5 stacks or 50% increased healing. Note that, while sometimes necessary, Word of Glory is a DPS loss.
Boundless Conviction, a passive, allows us to store up to 5 charges of Holy Power at a single time meaning we can pool Holy Power if necessary for use at crucial moments rather than simply expend it the instant we reach 3 charges.
Seals and such:
- Righteous Fury should be active at all times
- Seal of Insight makes your healer’s lives easier and increases your survivability. ( Seal of Truth can be used if you need to do more DPS and your survival is not an issue.) Seal of Righteousness is only for groups of trash.
- Blessing of Kings – for the Mastery, though your raid might want Blessing of Might.
Taunting and Tanking
You want all of the opposition paying attention to you and only you. Getting and keeping the mob’s attention is your #1a duty, while your teams’ DPS burns it down. Your #1b job is to survive. #2 is your own DPS.
All of your attacks generate threat, much more than the DPS or heals of your team. Save your Taunt for when some mob really want to squish your team member.
Reckoning is your taunt, forcing the target to attack you, and it has a cooldown of 8 seconds. Your other attacks work to get the mob’s attention while your Reckoning forces it. The mob will attack you for the next three seconds and all of your attacks will generate much greater threat for that time . Your job is to pile enough threat on top of that such that your arcane mage, pulling that massive DPS, or that mighty healer, cannot then pull it away from you.
But that’s one of the things that makes tanking interesting.
Fighting a group? Basically you’ll spam your area attacks and use your Reckoning to pick up strays that insist on not paying attention to you. Your Avenger’s Shield and Judgment should suit for any other stray.
Single Target Rotation
The basic rotation is pretty simple. Build HP and spend it (most of it) on Shield of the Righteous. Mix in your defensive cooldowns as necessary to survive.
- Crusader Strike and Judgment should be used as often as possible to generate Holy Power.
- Use Avenger’s Shield when available. When Grand Crusader procs use Avenger’s Shield for an extra charge of Holy Power. Avenger’s Shield can otherwise be used without the proc for extra damage and threat and to interrupt any non boss mobs that need interrupting.
- Use your tier 6 talent (Prism, Execution Sentence, Light’s Hammer)
- Holy Wrath and Consecration provide extra damage and threat and should be used when you have nothing else available.
- Note: if you have the Sanctified Wrath talent then Holy Wrath will have a higher priority than otherwise (with the talent it hits harder and generates 1 HP.)
- Hammer of Wrath should be used when the target is below 35% health (20% without the perk.)
When facing multiple targets
- Hammer of the Righteous replaces Crusader Strike as your primary holy power generating attack.
- Holy Wrath is your filler. If you have Sanctified Wrath then it’s an HP generator and has higher priority.
- Avenger’s Shield on cooldown (it hits 5 targets with your perk.)
- Seal of Righteousness should be active and
- Consecration should be used as often as possible.
Offensive Cooldowns
Your offensive coldowns come only from your level 75 and 90 talents.
- Holy Avenger (tier 5) is a very good cooldown. You get a big buff exactly when you want it. Great on pulls or periods where you nee more damage right now.
- Holy Prism (tier 6) is great for picking up adds or if you need an aggro tool to hit 5 enemies right now. Cast it on an enemy or on yourself.
- Light’s Hammer (tier 6) is a “Smart Heal” and as such heals the people needing it the most. It also slows any enemies in its area, which is sometimes useful.
- Execution Sentence (tier 6) is optimal for single target fights and you can cast it on yourself for the extra healing.
Defensive Cooldowns
- Divine Protection reduces magical damage taken by 40% for 10 seconds with a 1 minute cooldown. The effect can be changed to 20% magical and 20% physical damage reduction with the Glyph.
- Ardent Defender reduces all damage taken by 20% for 10 seconds and while active causes the first attack that would otherwise kill you to instead heal you for 12% of your maximum health
- Guardian of Ancient Kings grants us 50% damage reduction for 12 seconds with a 3 minute cooldown. This is one of our more powerful defensive cooldowns and should be reserved for moments of heavy damage.
- Lay on Hands is an emergency heal that instantly heals for maximum health with a 10 minute cooldown. Due to the lengthy cooldown this can rarely be used more than once in an encounter and should be saved for when it is absolutely necessary either to use on yourself or another member of the raid.
Tier 5 Talented Abilities:
- Holy Avenger allows us to generate almost limitless amounts of Holy Charges for the duration of the effect which contributes to our self healing and survivability as we can temporarily use Shield of the Righteous often enough to keep the damage reduction active at all times.
- Sanctified Wrath improves the benefit of Avenging Wrath by increasing the duration of the healing buff it provides. It also allows us to use Judgment more often and therefore generate more charges of Holy Power.
- Divine Purpose grants us a 25% chance to have a free 3 Holy Power ability use.
Tier 6 Talented Abilities:
- Execution sentence when fighting single bosses with no adds.
- Lights hammer fro groups, or for singles with add phases.
- Holy Prism for when you need to grab some adds.
Defensive Cooldowns
Divine Protection
Divine Protection (DP) is the first choice amongst Paladin's defensive cooldowns. By default it offers 40% damage reduction against spell damage, but when using the glyph, it provides 20% damage reduction against all sources. As such, DP is usually worth glyphing, as even when using DP to counter burst spell damage, the additional damage mitigation against the surrounding autoattacks is typically superior overall damage reduction.
More importantly, the ability serves as a solid damage reduction cooldown when you start to take more damage than your healers can handle, and the uptime on it is very good if using Unbreakable Spirit, which you typically will.
Guardian of Ancient Kings
The primary Paladin defensive cooldown. Guardian of Ancient Kings provides a massive amount of damage reduction for a short 8-second window. Use it right before you are about to take a lot of damage. Planning when to use your Guardian of Ancient Kings in conjunction with your other cooldowns is a major part of becoming a better tank, and you want to be sure that it is used effectively. Overlapping defensive cooldowns is generally a mistake, as their returns diminish considerably.
Ardent Defender
Ardent Defender is another powerful defensive cooldown. It provides a small amount of damage reduction and will prevent you from dying. It is especially effective at preventing death by burst damage, such as from Gruul's Inferno Slice. Always be ready to heal yourself back up if it procs, as you will only be at 12% health (which is typically one autoattack from death).
Divine Shield
The classic Paladin skill. Confers complete damage immunity for 8 seconds, breaks all CC's when used and is often usable while CC'ed (but not always). Upon using it will immediately break threat on all mobs, but they can be taunted back. This will regain aggro for the duration of the taunt (3 seconds). Once that ends, they will again drop threat. Divine Shield causes Forbearance, which now lasts for 30 seconds, and prevents the player from being a target of Divine Shield, Hand of Protection, or Lay on Hands.
Divine Shield is seldom useful in tanking, but it can have uses in very sketchy moments. For example, Divine Shield-Taunting an enraged boss can provide several more seconds of dps time before it kills the raid (e.g., this strategy was useful on numerous The Butcher kills).
Divine Shield is also capable of removing some raid debuffs. These are few and far between, but can be incredibly powerful.
Hand of Protection
Like Divine Shield, Hand of Protection confers immunity to physical attacks for 10 seconds, and immediately breaks threat. The same Taunt trick can be used with Hand of Protection, and will function more or less identically. Moreover, Hand of Protection can be used similarly to remove occasional raid debuffs, and is substantially more useful in that regard than Divine Shield since it is castable on any friendly target. Like Divine Shield, it puts a 30 second Forbearance debuff on the target. I highly recommend using the following macro:
/cancelaura Divine Shield
/cancelaura Hand of Protection
Hand of Sacrifice
This is an extremely powerful defensive cooldown for your co-tank, and you should be prepared to use it as necessary. Beware that unless using the glyph it will transfer 30% of the target's damage intake to you. On fights in which you know you will need to use it, glyphing is highly recommended. I use the following macro for Hand of Sacrifice:
/cast [@“Co-Tank Name”] Hand of Sacrifice
Word of Glory
Word of Glory (WoG) is the Paladin self-heal, and the secondary use of Holy Power. It is used infrequently, namely when you require a heal in order to not die. WoG is affected by Bastion of Glory, (BoG) which increases the potency of self-targeted WoG's each time you cast SotR, stacking up to 5 times. BoG scales very quickly with Mastery, and WoGs used with 4-5 stacks of BoG are usually very large heal.
Sacred Shield
Sacred Shield is simple but powerful. It is a level 45 talent and the only option worth using in that tier. It is a 30-second buff that provides a 6-second duration shield, refreshing every 6 seconds. It scales very well with Attack Power and Resolve, and is a major source of self-healing at the expense of only two GCD's per minute. Care should be made to ensure it never falls off, but that is pretty easy.
Seal of Insight
Seal of Insight is the standard Seal of choice while tanking. It causes every autoattack to provide a decent amount of self-healing, which adds up considerably over the course of a fight.
Lay on Hands
Lay on Hands is the pinnacle of healing cooldowns. It instantly heals your target for 100% of your maximum health. It is off-GCD, costs no mana, and affects the target with Forbearance. It's a lifesaver!
Hand of Freedom
Hand of Freedom, very simply, makes the target immune to slows and roots for 10 seconds. It's rarely used in raids, but it can be useful on occasion.
Hand of Salvation
Like Hand of Freedom, Hand of Salvation's uses are few and far between. It sets the target's threat to 0 for the duration, and it has a few more uses than Hand of Freedom. In particular, in a phase when adds spawn wildly, putting Hand of Salvation on a healer can be a lifesaver for them and the raid (e.g., Mythic Tectus phase 3). Additionally, you can use Hand of Salvation to remove another Hand. For example, casting Hand of Protection on a player to remove a debuff, then quickly removing Hand of Protection via Hand of Salvation.
Finally, and most importantly, you can use it to mess with your co-tank. Might as well.
Talents Cheat Sheet
Level 15: Persuit of Justic
Level 30: Fist of Justice
Level 45: Sacred Shield
Level 60: Unbreakable Spirit
Level 75: Divine Purpose or Sanctified Wrath
Level 90: Holy Prism or Execution Sentence
Level 100: Holy Shield
Advanced Talents
Paladins have a handful of situational choices amidst some one-option tiers in their talent tree.
Level 15 – Mobility
Long Arm of the Law has overtaken Speed of Light as the preferred mobility talent for Paladins. The uptime on Long Arm is quite high, and reapplying the buff from range is a snap as well.
Speed of Light – A simple, effective sprint. It's off-GCD and is a good source of long-duration mobility. It only supercedes Long Arm when you really need to move a long distance and are not in range of an enemy to cast Judgment.
Long Arm of the Law – An extremely high-uptime, modest mobility increase that helps Paladins move around tanking areas more effectively than the alternatives in the tier. The ability to gain a boost of speed from 30 yards away via Judgment cannot be underestimated.
Pursuit of Justice – Not as effective a movement speed increase as Long Arm of the Law. While not bad, Pursuit is easily eclipsed by Long Arm.
Level 30 – Crowd Control
Fist of Justice is typically the best option, but none of the choices rarely come into play in a raid environment.
Fist of Justice – Very simply, it replaces Hand of Justice by reducing the cooldown to 30 seconds and increasing the range to 20 yards. It's the same 6-second stun as ever, but the added range and the reduced cooldown make it a little easier to use and more effective. More often than not, you won't have much use for any kind of CC in a raid. When you do, a moderate-ranged stun is good to have.
Repentance – Repentance is very rarely useful, but it works just like any other long-duration CC such as Polymorph or Hex. If you absolutely need another long-duration CC, it's there if you need it.
Blinding Light – Blinding Light has a long cooldown for a very short-duration CC that breaks on damage. It has some uses, but AoE stuns like Leg Sweep and Shockwave are much more effective at locking down groups of enemies.
Level 45 – Healing
Sacred Shield is amazing. Eternal Flame is okay. Selfless Healer? More like Worthless Healer!
Selfless Healer – Garbage! In WoD, tanks do not have the breathing room to spend GCD's throwing out heals to random raid members – or even themselves when they have considerably more effective options available.
Eternal Flame – Adds a modest HoT to Word of Glory, which heals for a small amount every 2 seconds. The HoT is worth slightly less healing per tick than Seal of Insight per proc.
Sacred Shield – Far and away the best option of the three, Sacred Shield lasts for 30 seconds, providing an absorb shield that refreshes every 6 seconds. Unlike Eternal Flame, Sacred Shield has no cost aside from a GCD. It's easy to maintain 100% uptime, just a couple GCD's a minute. Make it so!
Level 60 – Defensive Cooldowns
Unbreakable Spirit is the superior choice in the majority of scenarios, but Clemency and Hand of Purity have niche appeal.
Hand of Purity – Hand of Purity is on-GCD, castable on friendly targets, and for 6 seconds it massively cuts DoT damage. Outside of DoT damage, it provides a modest defensive gain, like a slightly less-effective Divine Protection. Hand of Purity would be superior to Unbreakable Spirit if it weren't on the global cooldown, but unfortunately that hampers its value severely.
Unbreakable Spirit – A 30-second cooldown on Divine Protection is exceptional, and generally the way the class is played. Divine Protection is your go-to first line of defensive cooldowns, and cutting the cooldown by 50% is a significant defensive gain. The shortened cooldowns on Divine Shield and Lay on Hands are just icing on the cake.
Clemency – Although it has very limited uses, Clemency can be incredibly useful in some situations. Being able to put out two Hands of Sacrifice/Protection in a short span can be crucial to a strategy, particularly when you lack a Holy or Ret Paladin. If you have other Pallies in the raid, this talent's value plummets further.
Level 75 – Holy Power Generation
Divine Purpose is the best defensive option, and will provide more uses of SotR than the alternatives. Holy Avenger is the best offensive option, allowing Paladins to line up procs, potions, Seraphim, etc., with massive Holy Power generation and SotR use in order to maximize damage for the duration.
Holy Avenger – Holy Avenger is an extremely effective offensive tool, and allows the Paladin to generate a substantial SotR buffer in a short period. For a fight that features tank swapping, it can be more effective than Divine Purpose, but it is generally less defensive power overall for a major offensive gain. It also increases the damage of Grand Crusader-procced Avenger's Shields by 30%!
Sanctified Wrath – Overwhelmingly the inferior option of the three. It turns Final Wrath-glyphed Holy Wrath into a powerful execute, but it is nonetheless worth less Shield of the Righteous uptime and less damage than the alternatives.
Divine Purpose – Gives your Holy Power spenders a 25% chance to let you freely cast a 3-Holy Power spender. Divine Purpose procs can proc Divine Purpose, and at times this can chain repeatedly. These times are good! Divine Purpose can also experience lengthy droughts, and although it is less controllable than Holy Avenger, it is worth a good deal of general damage reduction and you can base defensive cooldown usage around Divine Purpose procs as needed.
Level 90 – Damage and Healing Tools
Execution Sentence is the best option for pure single target damage, and Light's Hammer is the best tool for AoE damage. Holy Prism provides the most frequent heals and damage, and is useful in scenarios with constantly spawning adds.
Holy Prism – Holy Prism can be used as a single target heal/multi-target damage skill or a single target damage skill/multi-target heal. It is useful as both! If used on cooldown as a single target damage tool, it is worth roughly as much damage as Execution Sentence and considerably more healing, but it will consume 3 GCD's per minute instead of only 1. Used as a self-heal and multi-target damage tool, it is very effective at picking up spawning adds, both through damage and healing threat.
Light's Hammer – Decidedly the best option for AoE, and typically the best choice of the three talents for the majority of encounters. It unfortunately has to be clicked down on the ground, but it is otherwise strong for picking up newly-spawned adds and doling out AoE damage and healing. As with Execution Sentence, it functions like a DoT, and as such can best be aligned with procs/buffs/Seraphim for maximum damage.
Execution Sentence – In pure single target encounters, Execution Sentence is the best damage choice by a good margin. It is only worth slightly more damage per minute than Holy Prism, but it is worth at least three times the damage per cast, and when lined up with procs it is a very high-damage global.
Level 100 – Situational Grab Bag!
All three options are useful in their own right. Empowered Seals makes reaching the Haste cap very easy, and is a good all-around talent. Seraphim can be used on cooldown for maximum dps, or for an encounter with frequent tank switching and tank downtime, it can be held until a switch is made in order to maximize defensive gains. Holy Shield is best when constantly tanking, or when taking continuous damage throughout a fight..
Empowered Seals – Using Empowered Seals is a bit involved, but quite rewarding in the post-6.1 environment. Ideally, you want to maintain as close to 100% uptime on the Liadrin's Righteousness and Uther's Insight buffs while remaining within Seal of Insight as much as possible, all while without altering the standard rotation. This can be a bit tricky, but it is worth the effort as it allows a raid-buffed Paladin to reach the 50% Haste cap at an easily-attained 1715 Haste Rating on the character sheet (1319 Haste Rating on gear, before including +30% from Sacred Duty). The constant HoT is also strong.
Seraphim – Seraphim is the best offensive option of the three, and potentially the most unwieldy (although that is quite debatable when compared to ES). In order to reap the maximum offensive benefit, Seraphim needs to be used on cooldown and aligned with skills like Light's Hammer or Execution Sentence.
While it eats into SotR uptime quite a bit, it is an extremely strong defensive cooldown, and should hardly ever be left cooling down long while actively tanking. As such, you must pool Holy Power in the seconds preceding its cooldown, which can leave you somewhat vulnerable. Using Divine Protection or another cooldown can cover that gap well, as can holding a Divine Purpose proc briefly. For fights in which you need to maximize damage output (e.g., The Butcher), Seraphim and Holy Avenger work extremely well together.
Holy Shield – The passive option of the three talents, Holy Shield is solid for encounters when you are constantly tanking, and particularly for when you are tanking numerous enemies at once. The ability to block spells cannot be underrated, and shows up in logs and meters as healing. As examples, Holy Shield is particularly useful on Blast Furnace and Imperator Mar'gok, as both fights feature numerous adds and regular unavoidable spell damage (Furnace's Blasts and Mar'gok's Force Novas)
Major Glyph's
Most of the available glyphs add utility instead of damage or defense. You’ll probably be switching them around, depending on the fight. Make sure you stop by the Reagents vendor and have some Tome of the Clear Minds handy.
More or less in order of usefulness
- Glyph of Focused Shield – Use this when fighting bosses, those that don’t summon adds, or other important single targets. Your Avenger’s Shield now only hits one target and does 30% more damage.
- Consecrator causes your Consecration to move with you, which is very nice at times.
- Glyph of Divine Protection – Makes this ability useful against physical damage. Very nice when fighting bosses with physical damage, swap it out for something else when fighting bosses that use magical damage.
- Glyph of Holy Wrath is very nice when fighting aberrations, elementals, or dragonkin. The stuns will break casts and stunned mobs do no damage.
- Glyph of Hand of Sacrifice – Make Hand of Sacrifice much safer to use.
- Glyph of Consecration – More versatility, like the Death Knight’s Death and Decay. It does change the mechanic, which some find to be annoying. Use it to grab that bunch of adds over there.
- Glyph of Hammer of the Righteous – Longer lasting damage reduction is definitely useful.
- Glyph of Focused Wrath – as with Focused Shield this makes Holy Wrath affect only one target.
- Glyph of Word of Glory – If you are casting WoG or Eternal Flame with some regularity then this is a good glyph to get as it will increase your damage done after using those spells. In T16 gear, when Eternal Flame > Sacred Shield, this is very nice to have. It actually becomes a +DPS glyph.
- Glyph of Burden of Guilt – Useful for kiting mobs (or players.) Exclusive with…
- Glyph of Judgment – adds 10 yards to Judgment’s range.
Minor Glyphs
These are mostly just cosmetic. Pick whatever suits you.
- Glyph of Focused Wrath is for those times when you only care about one target and/or there are CCed mobs close by and you don’t want your Wrath the break that CC.
- Glyph of Righteous Retreat – Bubblehearth
Cheat Sheet Defensive
Holy Shield
Strength > Bonus Armor >>> Haste ~= Mastery > Versatility > Multistrike >= CritSeraphim
Strength > Bonus Armor >>> Haste > Versatility > Crit ~= Multistrike ~= MasteryEmpowered Seals
Strength > Bonus Armor >>> Mastery > Haste (to 50% - 1715 on-sheet) > Versatility > Crit ~=Multistrike > Haste (over 50%)Stats Advanced
Offense is not usually a primary concern for tank gearing, but having an idea of how each stat affects the class offensively is important to bear in mind.
Strength > Bonus Armor >>> Haste > Crit > Multistrike > Versatility > Mastery
Protection Paladin defensive stat preferences change somewhat based upon level 100 talent choices. Specifically, Empowered Seals increases the value of Mastery considerably relative to Haste due to increased SotR uptime whereas Seraphim has exactly the opposite effect and diminishes the value of Mastery substantially. Like Empowered Seals, Holy Shield improves the value of Mastery, but does so more as a result of Mastery's inherent block chance. In all cases, Multistrike and Crit are not terrifically effective stats.
Empowered Seals
Strength > Bonus Armor >>> Mastery > Haste (to 50% - 1715 on-sheet) > Versatility > Crit ~=Multistrike > Haste (over 50%)
Strength > Bonus Armor >>> Haste > Versatility > Crit ~= Multistrike ~= Mastery
Holy Shield
Strength > Bonus Armor >>> Haste ~= Mastery > Versatility > Multistrike >= Crit
Bonus Armor is undeniably the best defensive stat for Protection Paladins. It is on all tank jewelry and should be generally be the go-to stat on trinkets.
Defensively, Haste improves Holy Power generation and just generally makes playing the class easier and more enjoyable. As such, Haste is typically the go-to stat amongst non-Bonus Armor options. Mastery is at times superior, but they are competitive and Haste is very effective – just be certain you are not over the 50% Haste cap.
Tier Bonuses
Watch of the Ceaseless Vigil is the Paladin T18 set.The 2 piece bonus is solid, easy to acquire, improves the defensive value of Avenger's Shield, and offers value at practically no expense.
The 4 piece bonus confers a moderate offensive and defensive improvement. Unlike the 2 piece bonus, it creates a significant playstyle change, allowing for considerably higher use of Avenger's Shield.
Rings: Enchant Ring – Gift of Mastery
Cloak: Enchant Cloak – Gift of Mastery
Neck: Enchant Neck – Gift of Mastery
Weapon: Enchant Weapon – Mark of Bleeding Hollow
Food: Sleeper Sushi
Potion: Draenic Strength Potion
Flask: Greater Draenic Strength Flask
Augment Rune: Stout Augment Rune
BiS List
During progression, you take whatever gear the game (and loot council) provides. Additionally, with T18's unique item level scaling throughout the instance, best in slot and best itemized are not necessarily the same items. A 735 weapon is going to be better than a 725 weapon no matter the itemization. That said, this list details the pieces Prot Pallies should hope to acquire over time.
- Head – Helm of the Ceaseless Vigil (Kormrok)
- Neck – World Ender's Gorget (Archimonde)
- Shoulders – Doomcrier's Shoulderplates (Archimonde)
- Cloak – Void Lord's Wizened Cloak (Xhul'horac)
- Chest – Cuirass of the Ceaseless Vigil (Mannoroth)
- Wrists – Breach-Scarred Wristplates (Xhul'horac)
- Gloves – Gauntlets of the Ceaseless Vigil (Socrethar the Eternal)
- Belt – Annihilan's Waistplate (Mannoroth)
- Pants – Greaves of the Ceaseless Vigil (Gorefiend)
- Boots – Treads of the Defiler (Archimonde)
- Ring 1 – Mannoroth's Calcified Eye (Mannoroth)
- Ring 2 – Sanctus, Sigil of the Unbroken (Legendary Ring)
- Trinket 1 – Anzu's Cursed Plume (Shadow-Lord Iskar)
- Trinket 2 – Libram of Vindication (Archimonde)
- Weapon – Fiendsbreath Warmace (Xhul'horac)
- Shield – Fallen Defender of Argus (Tyrant Velhari)
Hellfire Citadel
Coming Soon
Long Arm of the Law, Sanctified Wrath, Execution Sentence, Empowered Seals (Final Verdict with T17)
As melee, this boss encounter provides limited DPS uptime. We want to utilize Sanctified Wrath to amplify the damage we deal while we’re able too. Use Glyph of Judgment in conjunction with LaotL to quickly evade Oregorger’s Rolling Fury. Hand of Sacrifice usage is strongly recommended. HoS can be used to indirectly reduce raid damage by increasing the tanks mitigation for Acid Torrent casts.
I ‘ve only one AddOn that i highly recommend, Weakauras. There appears to be no limit with what can be achieved using this. WA supplements and streamlines information for the user with brutal efficiency; be it through the use of audio, visual or textual displays. All of these auras can be placed and customized at the users discretion. It even has the option of expanding its intuitive functionality further for those familiar with Lua programming language. My Ret specific auras can be found here.
Hekili is a rotation assistance AddOn that employs the use of the Ret Simcraft algorithms, having written those myself, i can speak for the power of this AddOn. Hekili aims to supplement your play by suggesting optimal usage of abilities via a logic heavy set of conditions: GCD & boolean checks, relative CDs, etc. Following these recommendations has the potential to greatly increases your output while simultaneously providing methods of monitoring the swath of CD’s that a Ret Paladin should be constantly aware of. Great for those attempting to ease into the use of other playstyles found within the spec.
To save space, ill summarize the following macro as a be all end all macro for a swath of abilities. Usually those that require mouseover/focus functionality. eg; Flash of Light, Hand of Protection, etc.
/cast [@focus,exists,modifier:shift]Ability
/cast [@mouseover,nomodifier]Ability
Coming Soon